I have pre-ordered delivery on May 11 I can’t wait

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Back when I thought I might be able to write a decent sci-fi story, the thought of where was I in space a second ago became a central theme. Alas for me, but maybe better for others, I abandoned fiction writing.

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Well, my favorite theory about UFOs is that they directed by future humans who have time traveled back to our era. So maybe we are already inundated by tourists from the future?

In order for this to be possible we only need be open to the notion that humans will learn how to time travel at any point in the future. It could be 100,000 years from now. The history of science suggests our understanding of the laws of physics may very well change radically in the future, just as it has in the past.

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Krauss & everyone else here:

I will be referencing this book in an upcoming presentation on the application of the scientific method to scientifically falsify π = 3.14159... which uses the very method Krauss et. al. negligently refuse to follow. This falsification discretely measures the real edge of Western science's knowledge (ie. their own ignorance re: the circle constant.) Krauss et. al. have thoroughly abandoned the scientific method & we need a new generation of scientists who actually follow this important method (of falsification) & be willing to challenge basic underlying assumptions.

After conducting a live prerecorded experiment, I will be asking Krauss et. al. to scientifically explain why a 1 meter diameter disk manufactured to within 250 microns tolerance possesses a circumference GREATER than 3144mm... as verifiable by real-world experimentation/observation & as predicted by an inverse square and/or Pythagorean theorem calculation of pi. As we know, if π = 3.14159... such a disk can not have a circumference greater than 3141.6mm post-tolerance considerations. If/as we measure such a disk, we find Archimedes' approximation doesn't hold up & the inverse square calculation does. In other words: scientists never checked their estimation for pi vs. the real world.

As FYI all: Archimedes' method of inscribed & circumscribed polygons produces the wrong answer for pi as owing to the Isoperimetric Inequality problem suffered by non-circle plane figures. I've made earnest attempts to bring this to the immediate attention of Krauss but was/is ongoing ignored. Instead of publishing a paper(s) subject to "peer review" I am instead conducting a live experiment & presentation of a live measure of a 1 meter disk and will be calling out Western science for their profusely gross scientific negligence.

All human suffering since at least the time of Archimedes has occurred on this base of a deficient circle constant & Krauss demonstrates he couldn't possibly care less about the problem of human suffering. This is why we need new scientists - ones who actually CARE.

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This is because space and time are multiplicative reciprocal aspects of motion:

s/t = v (speed or velocity)

t/s = E (energy)

vE = 1 = x² - x

You can't talk about one without talking about the of the (mult. reciprocal) other. Space & time are numerator & denominator, nothing more albeit nothing less. Further, time observes the same 3 dimensions space does because time and space are NOT two separate things. How Western science treats them as such is absolutely absurd.

The physical universe operates according to a definition of the unit as a difference of sequential squares observing geometric progression (Kepler triangle) x² - x = 1. This is the definition of the unit with respect to any/all inverse square-based motion. We live in a universe of motion & Western scientists haven't fully appreciated this fact as of yet.

This & so much more was discovered in the mid 20th century by the late Dewey B. Larson (chemist) who induced a full physical theory of the universe called Reciprocal Systems of Theory. This theory is several centuries beyond Einstein's assumptions. Unfortunately, the Relativists revere & worship Einstein to no lesser degree than a Christian reveres Jesus or Muslims revere Muhammad. It's the same type of idolatry responsible for the lack of progress.


Unfortunately, Western scientists were/are too busy revering Einstein and wouldn't look anywhere else.

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All things, being relative, and all objects, (galaxies stars, planets, people) traveling in relation to one another, theoretically, reversible, you’re right. However, doesn’t Hawking argue that when a black hole dissipates, it leaves nothing behind but a form of radiation that doesn’t include the information of the original states of the matter that it absorbed.… I’m confused. Lol😃 now I must pre-order your book.

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Yes. You must. :)

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Thank you for your work. Unlocking these great mysteries.

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Can you have a GPS thing to take you back where you started from, even if it changes how long you travel in time? 😳

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sure.. since it is all science fiction

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