YES!!! Mr. Krauss. I'm write software, music, essays, poetry, and snarky sarcastic comments on twitter, Facebook, and elsewhere. Both parents worked in medicine and we were raised with an amazing combination of literature and books on history and science. Over the past few years I've been taking a layperson's deep dive into physics, biology, astrophysics, quantum physics, etc.

I know very little and enjoy knowing how little I know.

I discovered you on YouTube via a tribute to Christopher Hitchens. I am a recovering evangelical who came to faith in my mid-20's and over the past several years have had my faith decimated by the wild-eyed, fascist, and bizarre - Jesus, Guns, and America attitude of people I know. In conversations, watching them simply deny science with a dogmatic self-assured hubris built on vapors of ignorance, is terrifying.

In any case, I'm am excited to see what you put out on Substack.

Keep up the good fight!!

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Mar 23, 2022Liked by Lawrence M. Krauss

I made it here! 😂

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Excited and happy, I desire thanking you, professor Krauss, for the free month subscription you give to every Patreon's subscriber of The Origins, passing to Substack. I have got a lot of science questions and even some ideas!

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I watched with great appreciation your Youtube presentation with Stephen Myer. Myer is quite intelligent but there are a couple of major flaws in his arguments for ID. First and most important is the use of the term information for describing the biological process in which DNA governs the cells which it effect. That use of the term information is misleading but it allows for the improper inference that "information" must come from a mind. DNA is a biological thing and not something mental. Secondly, we have no knowledge of the existence of minds without the presence of brains. And thirdly, even if it allowed that minds existence in the absence of brains, there is no evidence that something mental could affect the physical outside of a brain.

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I had a annual subscription on Patreon but when trying to login here I had to pay again it seems.

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I am hoping this has been resolved.. Please let me know if it hasn't

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Yes I think this works now. I got a separate email inviting me in. Thanks

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