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Congrats on such a noble project! It's inspired me to renew a call for Thinking BIGGER on such matters on Substack.

An uncountable number of tragic situations can be solved with money. I'm convinced that Substack writers working together could raise as much a million dollars a year. In the two months I invested in this project....


... I saw considerable interest from Substack users, more interest for that project than anything I've done on Substack in two years.

However, Substack leadership is not at all interested in such a project at this time, as they honestly report themselves. They need help understanding how such a project would benefit their business, and I'm probably not the right salesman for that job. I keep hoping that someone on Substack with more talent and connections than myself will pick up this ball and run with it.

If a little bit of money is good for one family in trouble, a TON of money for many families in trouble is even better. I don't mean to dismiss the excellent project you're already engaged in, I'm just hoping we Substackers can THINK BIGGER and multiply what you're doing many many times.

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