Now we are faced with the question how can we overcome human irrationality on a world scale? As you already point out, the rational facts are already on the table. But will humanity be able to pass a small valley in the moral landscape in order to arrive at a new peak that is compatible with our future climate?

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We can all try to keep the intellectual candle burning. (It doesn’t release much CO2. )

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At least it is the most efficient computing device we are aware of 😉

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Most of those who aren’t very wealthy tell themselves that it’s all too slow to matter to them.

Most of the very wealthy tell themselves that they’ll build mansions on higher ground.

Some of the wealthy don’t even think *that* because they’re too busy trying to ensure that they’ll be the richest corpse in the cemetery.

The politicians (wealthy or not) are too busy trying to ensure that they’ll win the next election, by not upsetting any of the above by doing something effective but inconvenient to their electorate.

The few who think that climate change matters enough to change our species’ plans (e.g., me), having considered the above are too pessimistic to believe that it’s worth campaigning.

It’s looking like intelligence is not a good strategy for species longevity. I suspect that the great filter is ahead.

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