Congratulations, Lawrence. You are perfect to lead the Board of the FSU. I hope people have read the speeches of Mario Savio, the spokesman of the Free Speech Movement (FSM) in the 1960's. Mario was a free speech absolutist, and also a physics major, and he eventually became a physics professor. There are several excellent biographies of Mario. He was my dear friend and research student.

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Congratulations, professor Krauss!

Well, I find quite ironic that on line hate speech, as a kind of bullyism on the web, is of free speech the direct unwanted son, which is undirectly tempting to kill its natural dad. But killing son is killing dad, and viceversa. So we must do our best efforts to keep hate speech alive, in order to obtain free speech up to live.

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Congratulations! You may find this interesting: https://law.justia.com/cases/iowa/supreme-court/1983/69367-0.html

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