How did it go? I actually dreamt about the event last night (that i was there in person). Will there be video?

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For Richard Dawkins: In "The Greatest Show on Earth", you describe how cave salamanders lost their eyes, because eyes come at a cost and because "most mutations are disadvantageous, if only because they are random and there are many more ways of getting worse than there are ways of getting better." What does this mean for us, with modern medicine and very little natural selection (thankfully)? Does the gene pool of humans slowly accumulate bad mutations, and if so, might genetic engineering save us in the long run? Love your books, Kind regards from Switzerland, Patrick

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For Lawrence and Alan Guth - everyone talks about the very hot temperatures in the Big Bang Model (10^26K I believe at the start) but during inflation, was the temperature near 0K and was there essentially a Bose-Einstein condensate? And then there was a reheating phase to reach the very hot temperatures of the classic Big Bang epoch?

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Dr Krauss, this is my question for yourself and your guests: what are the top 10 science books and/or documentaries we should all own before they are canceled and disappeared?

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