May 25, 2023Liked by Lawrence M. Krauss

My wife was commenting upon how lucky we were to live when we did. We met in Berkeley in the late 60's when I was a grad student and she was dept. Chairman secretary in Civil Engineering. All the professors loved her and life was fun and casual with flirting and conversations that would be dangerous today. She was usually late to work, didn't obey the dress codes, but she also could edit their draft manuscripts and convert them into English like she did for my thesis.

I view what is happening with this DEI nonsense and the new religion being foisted on the STEM areas by the social sciences as dangerous for humanity as a whole. When I think about the future predictions of the 70's by Paul Ehrlich with "Population Bomb" and the Club of Rome analysis, the only reason these analysis were false was the implicit assumption that the creativity of the STEM area would not expand. It was the STEM people who bypassed the problems. We are still adding more people on a finite planet (way past natural "carrying capacity") and we need to have the STEM people pull humanity out of its trap again.

However, like Trofim Lysenko in the USSR, our DEI/CRT/title 9 priests are dictating no progress and scientific conclusions consistent with their beliefs in their new religion. The outcome may be the same as Lysenko did for the USSR -- mass starvation.

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thanks.. yes that was a time when adults were treated as adults.. sigh.

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I hope that I am not correct in viewing this insanity as being able to kill STEM in the US which would only leave China to answer the questions about the 3 billion more people on the way and 2 billion that want more to eat on this finite planet.

Their STEM expansion is moving fast (I do a lot of journal reviews from China that are now first rate research). As the future of humanity only depends upon the two resources of human creativity and energy, if we kill the creativity part and they continue with energy they will be creative enough. They are building nuclear reactors including the new design along with 90+ of the solar silicon production and million volt DC distribution system and all the technology to go with those changes. We are just building permission bureaucracy's preventing any real progress.

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I'm sorry, but if he were guilty of mass murder does it take away from his intellectual accomplishments. How can we allow persecutions like this? How was the population programed

for this Puritan mob mentality. Are we going to start book burning again??

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Well written! I’m old enough to remember the accusing question proceeded by “are you now, or have you ever been…”

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Due process is dead. We are back to mob mentality.

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There are so many of these stories now, that I am at a loss for what to say. I've said it before, and don;t want to repeat myself too much, but I am glad that I had my time at University in the 80-90's when the Profs & Drs could simply be people, and we, the students, could enjoy them for who they are.

I wonder if this is a real shift in society, or whether it is only really a few people driving this, with many simply falling in line for fear of reprisal? Churchill had something to say here: "the appeaser is one who feeds the lion, hoping that it will eat him last."

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